Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Fashion Show Fundraiser

So our fashion show was a great success after a  hard working 6 of us at Winchester school of art organised the fashion show and after party. It was a night where the past ment the future with a 90's and 00's themes after party took its rightful place after the fabulous  fashion show sharing a small collection of work produced by both Fashion Design and knitted students in level 2 and 3 took place. We had some great help so I would like to thank all the people who got involved to make it the night it was including the SU, All the models the DJ Stephen Mikhof they all did a wonderful job! 

There will be some photographies  coming soon so keep an eye out for them but in the mean time we have received some good editorial entries in a couple of magazines and articles  so have a read and see how the evening went yourself.